Samhain Blue Moon
October 24, 2020This Samhain, we are blessed with not only a full moon, but a blue moon. A blue moon is the second full moon that falls within the month. There are a few things you can do, even if you are short of time.
When the blue moon has risen, find a quiet moment to connect with divine energy. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, and it is completely personal to you. You could just write out a letter of intention and read it out loud, or you could meditate on the things you want to let go of. If you have more time, you could have a ritual cleansing bath, or you can create a more in depth ritual.
Create an altar if you don’t have one. This can be the top of a chest of draws, a table or even an upturned box.
Use Samhain colours for your altar: black for death and endings, orange for the vitality of life within death, and purple for wisdom, insight and inspiration.
Add the following:
- A black candle to honour the passage to the Summerland and the Ancestors.
- Burn some purifying incense. Sage is probably the best but you can burn others like sandalwood, lavender, frankincense or myrrh. Using an incense that will help with psychic ability will also help you connect to you your ancestors. I have sandalwood on my altar as it represents the femininity of the moon and offers protection. It can also be used for purification and consecration.
- On a small plate, place some sea salt. Within this, you place things you need to cleanse by moonlight, such as crystals and amulets.
- Seasonal foliage and food. This time of year, try collecting and drying some fallen leaves and acorns, freshly picked berries or late apples, and place a small pumpkin on your altar. My pumpkin is on the large side, but it was a gift! I am blessed to have a lot of oak trees nearby, so I collected some leaves and acorns. Oak and acorns have their own magickal protective properties. You can keep one of the acorns and plant it under the next new moon to encourage the growth of abundance, and carrying one in your pocket will bring you creative ideas.
- Photos of deceased loved ones as a way to remember you ancestors. I have my father and his mother on my altar.
Once you have all of these things, write a list of all the things you want to let go of. Burn it in the flame of a candle and offer up a prayer. This can be worded in any way you like.
You may have notices that I have a few tarot cards on my altar. I have the Empress to represent the moon and feminine power and fertility; death to represent Samhain and the changes that some as the old year ends and the new year begins. I have added the Emperor to my altar to represent my father’s father, as I don’t have a photo of him.
I have a few items in stock that can help you with your altar: Smudge kits (great if you also planning some spirit work), crystals, candles, cleansing bath rituals with lavender soap, spell candles in orange, black and purple, tealights, and handmade decorations such as plush pumpkins, papier mache pumpkins, and cheeky little witches. Just search for key words in the search bar:
Blessed Be