A medium piece of clear quartz with black tourmaline inclusions, wire wrapped in sterling silver, and set onto a chain of hallmarked sterling silver.
Tourmaline quartz is found primarily in Brazil, and has a hardness of about 7. Rarer varieties contain green, pink or watermelon (bi-colour) Tourmaline.
Tourmaline inclusions aren’t limited to clear quartz, however. Other varieties of quartz that can contain tourmaline include citrine and smoky quartz.
Black Tourmaline Quartz can be a powerful aid in cleansing oneself of all types of negativity, as well as protecting one from negative influences in the environment. It is believed to assist in healing the spirit and discharging energetic imbalances and to aid in ‘grounding’. Quartz is a natural amplifier of other crystals, do this is a great pairing.
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