Aromafume Ohm Incense Bakhoor Diffuser


Smokeless incense diffuser

1 in stock


The Incense Bricks Diffuser is specially designed for the burning of incense bricks like Bakhoor bricks and Aromafume bricks. Together, this Diffuser and the incense bricks form the most effective and clean way of diffusing pleasant aromas without smoke. No toxins are emitted and there is no production of ashes or smoke!

This Incense Diffuser consists of:

Wrought iron diffuser, copper plate, wooden coaster, candle, two incense bricks sample. Fragrance varies per box. Inc luding a brochure with information about Aromafume, the different fragrance and explanation on how to use the incense bricks in Dutch, German, English, Italian and French.

How to use the Exotic Incense Diffuser and Aromafume Incense Bricks?

Exotic Incense Bricks Diffuser is specially designed to reach the adequate temperature for aroma diffusion of Aromafume Incense Bricks. Other apparatus are not suitable!

– Place Exotic Incense Diffuser on wooden coaster.
– Light candle. Place inside exotic incense bricks diffuser.
– Place incense brick on copper plate.
– Allow candle to burn for 45-60 min. Diffuser will be hot. Do not touch!
– Blow out candle and allow to cool.
– Incense brick will turn deep black and hard on usage. It will not melt.
– Discard used incense brick with biodegradable waste.


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