Lovely blue celestite cluster from Madagascar, carved into a heart shape. Smooth on the back, this piece shows gorgeous drusy clusters on the front. 319 g. This has some lovely large clear blue points in it. As the matrix is quite soft, celestite clusters are notoriously difficult to carve.
Celestite is a type of strontium sulfate mineral, hence the blue colour. Madagascar yields the highest quality specimens, but isn’t the only place it comes from. Celestite can also be found in the USA. Celestite is found in sedimentary rocks, like limestone and sandstone. As such, it’s highly soluble in water so do not use water to cleanse this crystal, or keep it in a humid environment. It is about 2.5 on Mohs hardness scale, so it is quite soft.
Celestite gets its name from the Latin word for celestial, ‘coelestis’. It is a high vibration crystal that can be used to activate the 3rd Eye Chakra. You can use this to help you with lucid dreaming, which may result in your dreams may become vivid.
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